New and Improved Must Have Tools for Crime Analysts

Mariano Delle Donne


In late 2015, I wrote about how Crime Analysts across the country are becoming the secret weapons for law enforcement. Crime analyst work and their products, such as intelligence bulletins, help organize crime reduction responses and policing efforts.

In the article I described the must have tools for crime analysts to be successful in their role.

At that time, we did not yet have the powerful BulletinWizard by SmartForce™. We have learned a lot since then and because of our learning, here is a shorter and improved take on must have tools for crime analysts and their law enforcement agencies.

One – CAD and RMS
No change here. CAD and RMS provide a lot of the raw crime report data that is needed to understand crime trends. Enough said, this is table stakes.

Two – Law Enforcement Specific GIS
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) leverage location-based data to create actionable intelligence. In fact, GIS systems like Esri provide more than mapping and make for powerful analysis tools for crime analysts. Visually, on a map, GIS can fuse together crime data, prolific offenders, and parolees. Esri is the industry standard for GIS.

Three – Crime Analysis Software
Moved from number two to three. Crime analysis software can range from simple tools to very robust software packages with powerful query, visualization, and forecasting capabilities. GIS systems today contain sophisticated analytical tools including potential integrations with CAD and RMS, possibly replacing the need for a stand-alone crime analysis product.

Four – Agency Management System
Public safety responses to crime reduction initiatives must be organized, secure, targeted, and proactive. Most responses involve coordination and collaboration from multiple units and often occur during uncommitted time. A crime intelligence product has a deeper impact on crime reduction when assigned to the right units and implemented/utilized in an organized manner. To see the level of success possible see how the Grand Junction Police is getting results from proactive policing and their impressive results from a recent targeted operation that you can read about here.

Intelligence Tip:
Email is sometimes used to communicate with the field. You can see posts about the risks of email on this blog. The SmartForce™ Agency Management System compliments your RMS and CAD and is CJIS compliant.

Five – The BulletinWizard by SmartForce™
Crime analysts have too much on their hands to fight with desktop publishing software to create intelligence bulletins. The BulletinWizard by SmartForce ™ cuts down the time of creating bulletins in half, is easy to use, is cloud based, and CJIS compliant. Powerful features like secure group sharing and integration with other Crime Analyst products make it a winner with crime analysts.


About SmartForce™ by Adventos

SmartForce™ is the only CJIS compliant and mobile agency management system designed to drive current policing strategies.  SmartForce™ also provides a single platform for integrating and automating all law enforcement administrative processes outside of CAD and RMS.

For more information visit and view a video demonstration of SmartForce™ today.

You can read the older post here.


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