Improved Police Agency Management

Mariano Delle Donne

waysHow to Empower Your Employees

Law Enforcement efforts can be maximized by providing officers, employees, administrators and law enforcement partner agencies with instant access to current information from a single source. Employees benefit greatly from utilizing a system with high quality information sharing. Real time, targeted, secure and actionable information sharing can:

  • Increase productive hours for staff
  • Decrease administration hours for leadership
  • Improve employee job satisfaction
  • Decrease service response time
  • Improve communication and collaboration amongst staff

The Current State of Information Management

From our standpoint, most communication today in Law Enforcement agencies is done in the form of emails, shared drives or paper. Other agencies rely on multiple software packages that are poorly integrated and difficult to operate. These inefficient, error-prone and costly strategies for managing critical information can contribute to preventable situations. We’ve gone a step further and have taken time to speak with and learn from government agencies. Here’s what some of them had to say about information management:

  • “Tracking project status is done manually. It is hard to know where we really are on key projects and initiatives.”
  • “Our technology costs are rising and we are unable to keep up with technology. We have an opportunity to consolidate our technology infrastructure and cut costs.”
  • “It is difficult to drive accountability. It is difficult to effect change and gain momentum. Communication efforts are ineffective.”
  • “Employees and administrators are frustrated because they cannot easily access the information they need to be successful at their job.”
  • “Employees and administrators are overwhelmed by the amount of email they have to process. They cannot search effectively for valuable information when it is needed most.”
  • “A lot of work is duplicated. Silos of information from human resources, department documents, training, policy management and other materials are too complex to appropriately track.”

By taking the time to research and learn what problems exist in current systems, we gleaned critical information needed to guide the development in products that will improve management systems for agencies like yours. Many of these complaints are alleviated for agencies that use SmartForce™.

Clear Return on Investment

Government agencies must always do more with less when it comes to making budget decisions. When it’s time to invest in new programs and updates, agency leadership must ask one question: What is the return on investment (ROI)? Leaders know the budget for their agency will be transparent to the public, and therefore must be able to justify every expenditure. SmartForce™ has a clear ROI with many benefits:

  • Empower staff, reduce costs, mitigate operational risks and improve effectiveness
  • Easily locate all agency information from a single solution
  • Break down silos of information amongst all employees, across all locations
  • Promote collaboration amongst employees
  • Ensure that people can be found and that skills and best practices can be shared
  • Reinforce the agency’s mission and values amongst employees
  • Improve efficiency using e-Forms and document management

Comparing the Past to the Future

If you’re still wondering how a new management system can benefit your agency, take a look at these impressive considerations. You’ll look forward to a future with SmartForce™.

Administrative Tasks

  • Before SmartForce™: Employees spent an average of 3.5 hours per week on tasks such as finding and copying information.
  • After SmartForce™: Time spent on these administrative tasks was cut by more than half – to 1.5 hour per week.

Information Management

  • Before SmartForce™: Manual management of information relied on email and paper distribution, much of it out-of-date.
  • After SmartForce™: Instantaneous access to current information from a single source.

More information about the SmartForce™ Agency Management System and how it empowers employees and maximizes ROI can be found on our demonstration video here. After watching the demonstration video, interested law enforcement officials are invited to request a free trial of the agency management system to try for themselves.


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